For the past 18 years, it has been SMG’s pleasure to be part of Rally to Read South Africa, an initiative that helps underprivileged children in outlying rural areas develop their literacy skills. Together with the Department of Education, Rally to Read also supports and trains teachers in these areas to overcome the challenges that their formal training does not prepare them for. Our hope is that through our donations, the books, teaching aids and other educational materials we deliver to these schools, we can help to empower the future of our children by equipping them with the most powerful tool of all, education!
The Rally to Read initiative was founded in 1998 after research conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council highlighted the desperate lack of educational resources in remote KwaZulu-Natal Schools. It did not take long to realise that the lack of resources was not specific to KwaZulu-Natal, and the project was then extended nationally. Research showed that the average 14-year-old child attending a rural school in South Africa had the reading age of 7. This places these children at a disadvantage in their ability to cope with reading textbooks on high school level, resulting in an increase in school dropouts. ”By reaching children at an early age, Rally to Read gives them the opportunity and foundation for a proper education.” Each year, SMG proudly rallies up our vehicles across KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape to deliver hope for this extremely worthy cause.
If you would like to find out more about this amazing initiative, please visit